Sims 2 Teen Pregnancy ModsThe Sims 2 Pregnancy ModSims 2 Teen Pregnancy ModFertility Mods1.. ) Extracted Inteen Fertility Changes With Age– ACR includes age fertility decrease (you need to change a BCON it for it to only kick in after age 40, but that’s easily done), but it only affects ACR’s casual woohoo/TFB and ACR isn’t for everyone.. To do so, the mod will force the gender of any new pregnancy to one gender or the other.
except kids This really is a version that Depending on the options you have set in the mod, it is possible that it will override the EA Standard methods of handling gender.. Nothing is changed about the pregnancy itself You can get the sim pregnant any way you like.. Or just make the mod for yourself and share it as is for others to use or not use.. These three creators edit that Note that with the 15 day pregnancy to be careful if you have the Inteen mod as the transition from teen to adult may cause issues.
3 ) Preg for All Genders– Enables same sex pregnancy so same sex couples can have genetic children instead of adopting hideous children.

You can also tune the fertility change from this mod: “Fertility – Age Decay Threshold” gives the days left until becoming elder sims are when fertility changes kick in, “Fertility – Age Decay Rate” gives the change in fertility per day aged past the threshold, and “Fertility – Age Twins Adjust %” determines the change in probability of getting twins past the threshold age.. The Sims 4 Teen Pregnancy Mod T o get the sims 4 mods teen pregnancy you are gonna need two things for this, one is MC command center and the other thing you must download is MC woohoo which is a part of MC Command Center.. Not compatible with RCC If you use ACR alongside this you might want to tune “Tuning – Casual Romance – Pregnancy Odds” in ACR-Controller-Main so that fertility is always 70 so that sims have the same fertility odds with casual woohoo and regular woohoo.. This will override the number of babies only, and does it only after the sim goes into labor.. When the 'Pregnancy Newborn Gender' option is set to 'Balanced', the mod will attempt to ensure that there is an equal number of males and females in the town.. Teen Intercourse MOD – Pregnancy and Marriage Problem: The Sims 4 Teen Pregnancy and Marriage MOD Inteen for Sims 4 Teen wedding Teen maternity teens can marry YA/adults/elders and also vice versa teenagers also can impregnate YA/adults and vice versa Romance enabled for several many years.. 2 ) Fertile Fertility– During “Try For Baby”, the pregnancy chance is rolled again for each parent who has the Super Fertility aspiration reward.. Read description carefully A ) 2 Day PregnancyB ) 5 Day PregnancyC ) 15 Day Pregnancy2. 5ebbf469cd